This is the tale of cat, spider and snail, sitting and spinning and leaving a trail. Friends in a garden numbering three. Living happily by that old holly tree.
Cat’s sat on the wall near the branch of the tree. Spider’s awaiting a fly for his tea. Snail’s left his trail crawling over a stone, all glad that the world leaves them alone.
Then one day a swallow flying high in the sky, A tasty spider below her did spy. But the spider had spied her and as fast as can be, hid ‘neath the leaves of that old holly tree.
You hide well in the holly where you know I won't follow, but I know where you live and I'll be back tomorrow to gobble you up and swallow you down. So long little spider. I'll see you around.
As the bird’s taking off, she looks all around and spies a snail near a stone on the ground. But the snail had spied her and as fast as can be, hid ‘neath the leaves of that old holly tree.
You hide well in the holly where you know I won't follow, but I know where you live and I'll be back tomorrow to gobble you up and swallow you down. So long little snail. I'll see you around.
As the swallow flies away, snail and spider did speak. We don’t want to end up in that old swallow's beak. They think and debate and conclude they must go and find a new home that the bird doesn’t know.
While all this happened the cat hadn’t stirred. Just snored as his friends were chased by the bird. So they wake her and tell of why they must go, to avoid being lunch for a swallow tomorrow.
The cat is sad and decides she must act. 'Friends to the end' so the three make a pact. The cat hatches a plan and the others agree, not to hide 'neath the leaves of the big holly tree.
When tomorrow arrives the bird spies his lunch and swiftly he swoops down to gobble and munch. Spider spins his web, Snail crawls by his stone and the bird didn't notice they were not on their own.
I hide well by the holly my dear feathered swallow but I won't let you leave so they'll be no tomorrow. I've gobbled you up and swallowed you down. So long little bird we won't see you around.
Still friends in a garden, still numbering three. Still living happily by that old holly tree. Still sitting and spinning and leaving a trail. That was the tale of cat, spider and snail.